One of the easiest ways to save money on coffee while still saving time is by using an automatic drip coffee maker. The trick has been to find a balance between taste and convenience. The general consensus is that you’re constantly sacrificing one for the other.
Mr. Coffee has always been about convenience and affordability. Their coffee makers are workhorses, designed for busy families and homes with roommates trying to save money while agreeing on a decent cup of Joe.
In order to give you a better idea of this coffee maker can and cannot do, let’s take a closer look at the features of the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker.
Mr. Coffee is A Reliable Brand
Why are we reviewing the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker? Simply put, year after year, it’s always one of the top five coffee makers on Amazon. Are we missing something? Has Mr. Coffee found that elusive balance between a rich cup of coffee without spending an arm and a leg?
We’re going to look at the features, check out some personal opinions and give our take on this automatic drip coffee maker. Read on to find out why the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker is always a top choice on Amazon.
If you can’t wait, click here to see this product on Amazon.
Features of the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker
Every coffee maker has some common features we can take a look at.
The Basics
Running through the basic features of this coffee maker, it appears to be a standard appliance, waiting patiently on your kitchen counter:
Type of Coffee Maker: Automatic Drip
This coffee machine uses a shower-type water dispenser to allow water to fall evenly across the grounds in the filter, ensuring that more beans are saturated at the proper brewing temperature.
Type of Coffee Used: Ground Roasted Beans.
Your favorite vacuum bag or can of coffee will work in this coffee maker, saving you a lot of money over pods.
Type of Filter Used: Paper or Mr. Coffee GOLDTONE mesh filters.
This Mr. Coffee maker uses 12-cup, flat-bottom paper filters. While reusable mesh filters are BPA free and good for the environment, they may not be better for your health or for the flavor profile of the coffee. Paper filters capture more of the oils, some of which contribute to the bitterness of the coffee.
Lift and Clean Filter Basket
Your filter sits in a “Lift and Clean” Filter basket. It is completely removable for cleaning which means you also don’t have to worry about measuring spoonful’s of coffee into the coffee maker one scoop at a time. You also don’t have to worry about gingerly lifting a coffee-filled paper filter to try and place it directly into the pot.
A paper filter should be saturated prior to adding coffee anyway and this removable basket makes doing this much easier.
Reservoir: Yes: Dual Water Window.
Some reservoirs are difficult to fill. If your kitchen lighting isn’t all it should be, filling a black reservoir without overfilling can be a real challenge. The Mr. Coffee Dual Water Window allows you to easily see how much water is actually going into the reservoir, helping to take the guesswork out of the process. We also noted that the amount of water listed on the side is very to close the final product.
Carafe: Glass
This is a standard carafe that’s easily replaced if chipped, scorched or broken. We don’t think this is a common occurrence. This carafe doesn’t feel flimsy.
Number of Cups Can Brew at Once: 4-12 cups at 5 ounces each.
The standard amount of coffee in a given cup is five ounces. Mr. Coffee doesn’t deviate from this standard. Because water needs time to saturate the roast coffee grounds in order to extract flavor, it isn’t recommended that you brew less than four cups of coffee at a time. This amounts to 20 ounces.
Hotplate: Yes
This hotplate is almost too effective. It falls into the category of those that burn your coffee and scorch your carafe. We highly recommend pouring the finished brew into a separate thermal carafe to preserve the coffee flavor and avoid burning both the coffee and your mouth.
Auto-Pause: Yes
Grab A Cup is their auto=pause feature that stops the dripping if you’d like a cup of coffee before the brewing cycle has finished. Our first attempts at grabbing coffee without creating a mess were successful.
Automatic Shut-off: No
On/Off Indicator Light: Yes
How many times have you ever stared at a coffee maker and tried to decide if it’s on or off? A coffee maker can be a fire hazard when you’re not paying attention to whether or not you left it on as you ran out the door. This coffee maker doesn’t have an automatic shut-off feature so it’s nice to have a little light that indicates whether or not it’s still on. It’s also great for preventing scorching a near-empty carafe or burning out the hotplate.
Single-Serve: No
Mr. Coffee recommend that you brew at least 4 cups of coffee when using their coffee machine.
If you don’t like making at least 20 ounces of coffee every day, you may want to take a look at the Cuisinart DCC-3400 which has a “small batch” feature that allows you to brew 1 – 4 cups of coffee without sacrificing flavor.
Color: Black
This doesn’t always work with certain kitchen decors and it does show dust more quickly than others but it is the most popular color by consumers.
How Easy is the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker to Clean
This coffee machine has a couple of features that will come in very handy when trying to clean up before heading out the door.
Glass Carafe.
A glass carafe is easy to clean. Mr. Coffee recommends washing it out with warm soap and water. We also recommend a soak with vinegar every so often to remove oily residue that builds up and stains the glass. Follow that with a gentle wipe down with a microfiber cloth and your coffee decanter will sparkle like new.
Lift and Clean Filter Basket
One of the nicest things about Mr. Coffee machines is their Lift and Clean Filter Baskets. If you’ve ever had a Mr. Coffee maker with this, you’ll know what a treat it is to be able to quickly get the grounds out of the machine and into the compost without ruining your work outfit.
Here’s the official video from Mr. Coffee,
How Much Counter Space Does it Use?
It stands about 12.5-inches high and 8.43-inches deep which should fit under most cabinets when not in use.
11.76-inches wide. The reservoir and base make this machine nearly as wide as it is tall.
At 3.6 pounds, it can easily be moved forward on the counter while brewing to avoid steaming the bottom of your cabinets.
How Much Power Does it Use?
It uses 900 watts of power. It also uses a standard, 2-pronged plug and the cord length is 26-inches, allowing for some maneuverability on your counter top.
Click Here to find out more about the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker (Model SK13-RB) on Amazon.
What the Comments Say
This machine has been on the market for awhile. You’ll find a lot of feedback.
Praises From Reviewers:
The coffee machine brews a very good cup of coffee. In fact, there were several people who tasted the coffee from this machine and suddenly questioned their purchase of a much more expensive coffee maker. If this is true, don’t think that a higher-priced machine automatically will give you a better cup of coffee. With the right water and beans, this coffee maker may be all you need for a delicious cup of coffee that rivals that of your favorite coffee shop.
This is a very basic machine which means it’s very user friendly. If someone needs help, you just set up the coffee and water and they can turn it on whenever they’re ready. The auto-pause feature ensures no one will be spilling coffee all over the counter if they don’t realize the cycle hasn’t finished.
It does not use watts when the unit is shut off. “Phantom Power” is a common occurrence when the appliance has a clock or automatic programming features. These simple menus can really add up on your monthly watts usage. This machine won’t secretly run up your electric bill.
Since it only has a basic on/off switch, you can plug this into a TP Link WiFi plug linked to Amazon’s Echo. Fill the reservoir and coffee at night and tell Alexa when to start it up in the morning.
Drawbacks to Consider
Taking a look at the not-so-flattering reviews, we noted some things that you should look out for:
The hotplate can get extremely hot. So much so that one reviewer burnt her mouth by drinking coffee that had been sitting in the carafe for over 40 minutes.
Some people have reported their machine stopped working properly have only a few months. There’s a one year warranty on these machines so you can get a new one if this happens.
Our Take
The Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker is about as basic as an automatic drip coffee maker gets. Its easy-to-read reservoir and removable filter basket keep the hot coffee flowing. It’s easy to use and easy to clean while brewing a surprisingly consistent and satisfying cup of coffee.
Do you really need another digital clock in your kitchen? There are no programs that you need to deal with. This is perfect for those who simply hate programming even the simplest of appliances.
If you’re looking for a no-frills coffee maker that’s affordable, easy to clean and easy to use, we recommend adding this Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker to your short list of possibilities.
Click Here to find out more about the Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker on Amazon.